So I read this. I will never be this thrifty. I try to re-use. I try to buy thrifted or Ebay. Unfortunately, I have never been that great in the deprivation department (aka I buy a lot of thrifted and Ebay). Now I know that deprivation is not the point of thriftiness or simplicity and I have fun doing the creative things I do to "make a difference", but some stuff doesn't work for me. I have no judge for anybody, I just know my limits. Some reusing doesn't work for me because I have cootie issues (particularly where food is concerned). I will never go to more than one grocery store for the week's groceries (because that makes me want to die a little). I won't learn to do my own car repairs (it would be nice to know, but I think I fear tinkering with such items), etc, etc. I will say that one point in the book made my heart sing. I must admit that I feel a great deal of guilt and shame surrounding the infrequency with which I bathe my children. Of all the things in the day (and there are a lot of things) this falls low on the priority list for me. As long as they don't actually smell bad (and a wash cloth and some lavender calming spray can do wonders for even that) I don't always get them in the tub. Now that Zelda takes showers by herself and I can just chuck her in, she does get more bath time, but Lu hates bathing and it is a project. In this book, Miss Dacyczyn said that one of her time saving tips was not bathing your kids all the time. BLESS YOU AMY! I feel validated! I feel less guilty! Somebody else is as lazy as me and this person is a well respected advice giver to millions. Just that makes the book a recommendation from me. Get validated in your "craziness". I am sure you do something that makes people roll their eyes. Maybe another person in this world that others think is really smart does it too.
Happy Turkey Day!