Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Book Reviews

Dave Ramsey: Total Money Makeover

This is a great book. Very motivational if you are trying to get out from under a mountain of debt. Some of his ideas are pretty harsh sounding. I won't be doing any car selling in the near future, but I like his ideas and I especially like the fact that he lays out a plan that seems totally doable.

Vicki Courtney: Raising a Godly Daughter in an Ungodly World

I have two girls. I pray for them every day that I can protect them from the crazy world we live in. I am always looking for information on how to arm myself against a society that wants my babies in half shirts and thongs by the age of 8. I don't think any one book can have all of the answers, but I liked this book a lot and I am already using some of the ideas laid out in the book in my interactions with my girls.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

If these walls could talk....

We are converting our garage and on Saturday the contractor came over to give things the once over. He and my husband pulled down some of the thin boards which make up the walls of the joint. Guess what they found...

The undersides of all the walls in the garage are paintings. They aren't signed or dated. These are the only four that we pulled down. I would love to know the story behind this.

Have a good week!