Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I am an unoriginal hack

It isn't original. In fact, based on my internet research, it is downright overdone but I want to make and complete one of those 101 things in 1001 days lists. Only I am hoping to do it in a much shorter period of time because 1001 days seems like a lame goal. My list is not a bucket list or anything like that. These are not all things I am dying to do but they met at least one of several criteria:

make me somehow better/smarter
not require me to hire a babysitter or do any creative scheduling
could be fun
something I need more of a reason to actually accomplish or spend the money on
something that makes me giggle when I think of it

Here is the list. My plan is to blog about how something went/changed me/was totally lame/was totally awesome after I complete the task. My hope is to get as close to 365 days as possible. But I am merely me with two kids and a full time job so I am cutting myself a little slack.

Let's see how it goes...

101 things to do in 365 days

  1. Learn to fold a fitted sheet
  2. Write a letter to a politician about something I care about
  3. Go to a Goodwill outlet store
  4. Plant tomatoes in my yard and not let them die
  5. Start composting
  6. Learn to make something origami
  7. Read the Constitution
  8. Learn all of the lyrics to “The End of the World as We Know It” by REM and be able to sing it without looking
  9. Learn to make one of those connected paper doll things you can stretch out
  10. Learn to tie at least 2 real knots
  11. Do the New York Times crossword (even if I have to cheat)
  12. Get one of those funny pictures made where you dress up like cowboys and saloon girls
  13. try Ethiopian food
  14. memorize a Bible verse besides John 3:16
  15. watch Harold & Maude
  16. read To Kill a Mockingbird
  17. Learn to make frosting flowers
  18. make peanut brittle
  19. Learn to use a compass
  20. make a fascinator hat
  21. watch a sunrise from my back porch
  22. go one whole day with no nagging, judging or ordering my husband
  23. have a dinner party with ridiculous 1950’s housewife food (even if the only person I invite is my friend Todd).
  24. re-learn how to multiply and divide fractions
  25. learn to play a song on the ukelele
  26. memorize the Ten Commandments
  27. Buy all produce for one week at the farmer’s market
  28. drink 8 full 8 oz. glasses of water in one day
  29. learn to tie a tie
  30. make my own laundry soap
  31. try goat milk
  32. join an “of the month” club
  33. finish my craft area
  34. make funnel cake
  35. get a fire extinguisher
  36. learn to convert Celsius and farenheit
  37. do a grammar review
  38. learn about blood pressure so I know what it means when they tell me what it is at the dr.’s office
  39. read up on how many servings of each food group we are supposed to have each day and do exactly that one day
  40. find out how much cholesterol, fat, sodium we are supposed to have in a day and compare with what I actually ate
  41. make ketchup from scratch
  42. Build up a pantry storage of food
  43. learn to cut a snowflake
  44. take a bubble bath
  45. make butter
  46. wear dresses for a whole week
  47. take the money I was going to spend on something I wanted and put it in a jar for 2 weeks. Then give that money to a charity.
  48. mail someone an unexpected and fun package
  49. make smores
  50. learn all the birthstones
  51. research what stars are in the sky and find them one night
  52. pickle something
  53. play jacks
  54. make up a new cookie recipe (at least try)- or, as the case may be, make a cake recipe
  55. make a melon basket
  56. join NPR
  57. find the perfect pair of red shoes
  58. get dual citizenship for me and my girls
  59. roller skate in my driveway (if I can find my skates…59b. find skates)
  60. try to figure out exactly what inflation is/means
  61. make fruit loop necklaces with my daughter Zelda
  62. write a haiku about bacon
  63. take a cool family portrait
  64. make a blanket fort with my kids
  65. go to See’s Candy and handpick a box of chocolates for myself
  66. learn all the countries in Europe
  67. enter a recipe contest
  68. develop the perfect burger
  69. write down my 20 favorite things about my husband
  70. make a list of my top 50 songs
  71. eliminate paper towel use at home (except for extremely disgusting, must throw away immediately or burn the item afterwards messes)
  72. Go on a picnic
  73. write all the lyrics to the vegetarian cowboy song
  74. sew a piece of clothing entirely by hand (no sewing machine)
  75. call a friend I never talk to
  76. make homemade ice cream with no ice cream maker
  77. put up a clothes line
  78. find my dream coat
  79. smoke something (I mean like a meat, not a cigarette). BBQ!
  80. get up at 6am for one week
  81. buy some clip on hair extensions
  82. make reusable sandwich/snack bags
  83. see two movies in one day
  84. go on a weekend vacation to a place I have never been
  85. read a Pulitzer prize winning play
  86. learn to build a fire
  87. buy stock in a company that is developing the fuel made by algae
  88. take no waste/trash lunches to work for one week
  89. wear red lipstick for a week
  90. put $2 in a jar every time I finish one of these things and spend my $202 on something frivolous
  91. have a murder mystery party
  92. plant an avocado tree at my house
  93. get a bikini wax
  94. make tamales from scratch
  95. watch someone else’s favorite movie
  96. watch a whole movie on the phone with my best friend
  97. make homeade soft pretzels
  98. read a biography/autobiography
  99. Learn some string tricks like that cat in a cradle thing
  100. complete a paint by number painting
  101. Learn all of the supreme court justices and what they stand for
By the way, these don't have to be done in any particular order and I reserve the right to replace any item if I suddenly decide it is STOOPID.*

More soon,

p.s. Items in yellow have been completed.
*#'s 93 and 86 have changed. I just got a new car so I don't need a detail and I received a micro loan gift certificate for Christmas from the B4e (BFF for those of you who don't get that) and so I thought I would change it to something I haven't done.
p.s.s. some of the other items have changed too. I felt pressure to complete the list with interesting items and now I am going back and really putting in stuff I have been wanting to do.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to volunteer to take the cowboy/cowgirl picture with you. Although I would like to point out that if you did it with your family then you would be able to cross off #12 AND #63. But you may have meant an ACTUALLY cool portrait.
    Plus, you've also already done #93 with your Kiva gift certificate!
