Christmas was a time of illness in the world of me. It may have been the flu. It was definitely bronchitis. I was on my booty for a long time. Mostly I knew I had been puny when my hubby told me I looked really cute one day. When I said thanks, he told me it was the first time he had seen me out of pajamas in a long time. :)
So first of all, I knocked two things off the old list over the holiday:
On New Year's Eve, our good friends came over and we made tamales. They were GOOD!!! Now I want to make some more and get really creative. I only got a few pics of Miss Z up to her elbows in the masa, but fun was had by all. It really takes a village to make tamales by the way.
Also, my fabulous hubby got me a ukulele for Christmas. Those 6 months of guitar lessons in college finally paid off because I am soaring along at playing. It is so fun that I can't even hardly stand it. The hubz said that this is the Christmas that will forever be remembered as the year he lost his wife to a ukulele.

And so there.
New Year's resolution is to exercise more. I really MUST.
Let's see how I do.
Happy New Year!!!