Monday, October 17, 2011


Oh how I loathe talking on the phone. I fear it really. In the way that many people fear public speaking. I could public speak for days, but don't ask me to answer the phone. The heart just flutters in panic. Because of this, my husband is the social secretary in my family and many people have learned to text. Also because of this, when someone in my family calls me (since they have long since learned better), I panic and think there must be a tragedy. So most of those calls go liket this: Hello? DON'T WORRY. NOTHING IS WRONG. I JUST HAD TO ASK YOU A QUESTION.

So, I finally called someone I haven't talked to in a long time. Kaitanya (the one in the middle) is my history. I did a lot of growing up with her and she and I kind of drifted apart in the college and 20's year. Thank heavens for Facebook. Now we are reunited and "it feels so good". I finally called her the other day. Unfortunately, it was to talk about something sad that happened, but I hope it has opened up a door to many more happy conversations in the future.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I am not lazy...

Just busy. Kid in kindergarten, admittedly other blog taking attention, not accomplishing a lot, blah blah excuses. I did just change two things on the list to reflect a more current desire of doing-ness.

But I am super excited about my other blog which gives me and some other fabulous gals (all are invited to play) the opportunity to be creative in a way that is fun and easy. We are all having a blast and I think I have even made some new friends.

I have advertised here before, but check it out-


*this is me on my other blog today.

Have a great weekend!