Angela over at My Year Without Spending has certainly been an inspiration to me. I would tell you her whole story, but she does it better. She has a fun and informative blog about her journey to living more lightly on this earth. And she doesn't do it with finger pointing or preaching. She just shows the ways that she is striving to be less of a consumer and more of a conscious participant in this crazy life. She has great ideas for baby steps, things that anyone can do to make a difference. I encourage you to check out her blog and start being inspired yourself.
Oh, and (brace yourself for the shameless plug) I just happen to be featured on her blog today. She does a segment called Thrifty Threads where people send in pictures of outfits they have thrifted or re-purposed instead of buying new. She said some super sweet things about me and I will now give her a plug to my audience. Don't freak out, might get 3 WHOLE NEW READERS!
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3 months ago
Casie, I found your blog through Angela Barton and thought I'd send you a comment. I love the duct tape dress form and please, tell us the bacon haiku! You have a great blog. I passed it on to a couple of friends who sew and will enjoy your ingenuity. I'll keep coming back.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words! The bacon haiku is here and I put it in the comments on Angela's blog. I love bacon. I eat vegetarian a lot, but mmmmmm.....bacon.