James Dobson- Bringing Up Girls
I really liked this book. Actually, I think this book would be excellent for fathers to read. The role of a father (or positive male mentor) in a girls life is heavily accentuated. My husband doesn't really enjoy reading and most of his reading involves manuals for work but I was able to tell him a lot about what I read. Sometimes I think dads don't realize how important they are to little girls because they figure that their little sweetie is always going to run to mommy with all of her girl problems. The key is the modeling a man does in his daughter's life. Because how a daddy acts, often dictates what a girl expects in a future mate.

Vicki Courtney- 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter
I like this book as well. Ms. Courtney has a wonderful way with telling you like it is without sounding preachy. Using examples from her own life (less than perfect which helped me connect) she tells you some of the most important issues you will have to face with your girls. I know it is early for me to be worrying about some of this stuff, but I just don't think you can be too prepared!
Ok. So my book reviews aren't terribly long or descriptive. I just kind of say why I liked it or didn't. I will never be hired to review books for the paper I guess. Sigh....
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