Monday, June 25, 2012

Copy Cat

Last week I saw this picture of a Nicoise salad over on Canelle et Vanille.  It looked so pretty and doable.  We had some good friends over on Saturday night and I played copycat.  It went over big.  My friend said, "It is almost pretty enough to take a picture of!"  I had to admit that I already did.  :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Roasted Chicken Love

Check out my pretty roasted chicken!  It made me sooooo very happy to see that lovely crisped up skin.  I varied the recipe a little (as is my usual) but mostly followed this.

So I hate picking a chicken carcass, but I did my best.  Knowing I had left plenty behind, I threw the whole picked over birdie into a pot of boiling water.  Once it was chickeny, I added brown rice, carrots, tomatoes and the chicken I had picked off back in.  Mmmmm....chicken soup for dinner tonight!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Circling Back?

I find myself at a point of circling back.  I think I got off track this past year.  I started buying a lot of STUFF again and I don't think I am necessarily any better for it.  I feel the need to purge and read a lot about the simple life.  I find that reading is one of the best ways to keep myself grounded.  My biggest start...I am trying to eat and give my family as much real food as possible.  I am reading lots of labels and making myself make things from scratch, even if it would be easier just to buy a mix.  And I like it.  And I feel better about myself.  I think I want to blog here more again and get back to finishing my list.  I may change some things...We'll see.