Well, here is the start of me growing tomatoes (and other lovely produce). My hubby was supposed to take a picture of the before, but he told me later he couldn't find the camera and then got distracted and forgot. I thought he took the picture and was only slightly peeved. But anyway, this little plot of land was covered in weeds and had no border. Now it is mostly free of weeds and mostly bordered up. I hit grass at the end and that stuff is a bear to tear out. I am hoping to get more done this weekend. Yipee! There is nothing tastier than a homegrown tomato with a little salt. Just eat it like an apple. YUM.
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3 months ago
Oooh, jealous! But I wont even try to plant anything anymore. Last year I was extremely proud of myself for keeping one little potted basil plant alive all summer long.