So this weekend we still had the brother-in-law, the niece and the nephew (they are here through the end of this week). And on Sunday, our new charge arrived. The eighteen year-old daughter of some close family friends in France is here for one month to practice her English. Now we really have a house full. To make things more confusing, our new guest is named Lucile (she spells it with one L). So we have taken to calling them Grand Lucile and Petit Lucille. It is a little crazy, but we are making it.
On Friday night, I made some tacquitos for the fam. You basically prepare the filling just like the tvp (or you can use ground beast)
sloppy joes, but with different flavoring. I still do the onion and garlic, and add cumin seeds, chili powder and a little bit of ketchup. I also like to add just a bit of cheese. The cheese doesn’t really flavor the filling, but it makes it stick together so it will stay in the tacquitos. Then you roll up the filling in flour tortillas (I use wheat). Place them on an oiled cookie sheet and kind of spread or spray some oil on the tops too. Then bake at 350 degrees until they crisp up. Note: the ends will probably be browned nearer to burnt before the middle gets kind of crisp. I usually pull them out just shy of actually going black. I serve with salsa, guacamole and sour cream.
And on the “I didn’t think you could make it any better than it is” front, I took the
chocolate chip cookie recipe and made BARS!

I just made a regular batch of dough, greased up a cookie sheet (including the sides) and put parchment paper on the bottom, then I mushed the dough into a large flat rectangle (it won’t take up a whole cookie sheet or at least it didn’t on mine) and into the oven until golden and heavenly. I waited for them to be mostly cooled before cutting into bars. Note: The dough didn’t start out as big as the pan, but it did spread out some and nearly jumped the edge while cooking, so keep that in mind when choosing your cookie sheet (and make sure you use one with sides aka- a jelly-roll pan).
And I engineered time to sew by completely ignoring my company (including my friend who came over for dinner) and letting them entertain my kids while I frantically sewed. This outfit is a shirt and skirt. The skirt used to be the valance in my bedroom. It is vintage bark cloth and I love it. The fabric was too thick and stiff to gather, so I did pleats all around the skirt. And I made a pleated blouse as well. It was pleats day. I am very happy with all.

We also went to the beach this weekend. It started out lovely and then the foggiest cloud cover ever moved in. It was freezing and we had to scoot. I did, however, take maybe the best picture ever of me in the history of pictures.

What do you think?
Try to stay cool… (and by cool I mean in temperature and your general effervesence of with-it-ness)
This post makes me want to move in with you. Y'all are having way more fun that we are this summer.