- Learn to fold a fitted sheet
- Write a letter to a politician about something I care about
- Make a chocolate soufflé from scratch
- Plant tomatoes in my yard and not let them die
- Start composting
- Learn to make something origami
- Read the Constitution
- Learn all of the lyrics to “The End of the World as We Know It” by REM and be able to sing it without looking
- Learn to make one of those connected paper doll things you can stretch out
- Learn to tie at least 2 real knots
- Do the New York Times crossword (even if I have to cheat)
- Get one of those funny pictures made where you dress up like cowboys and saloon girls
- try Ethiopian food
- memorize a Bible verse besides John 3:16
- watch Harold & Maude
- read To Kill a Mockingbird
- Learn to make frosting flowers
- make peanut brittle
- Learn to use a compass
- re-learn all the state capitals and mountain ranges in the U.S.
- watch a sunrise from my back porch
- go one whole day with no nagging, judging or ordering my husband
- have a dinner party with ridiculous 1950’s housewife food (even if the only person I invite is my friend Todd).
- re-learn how to multiply and divide fractions
- learn to play a song on the ukelele
- memorize the Ten Commandments
- Buy all produce for one week at the farmer’s market
- drink 8 full 8 oz. glasses of water in one day
- learn to tie a tie
- make my own laundry soap
- try goat milk
- join an “of the month” club
- finish my craft area
- make funnel cake
- get a fire extinguisher
- learn to convert Celsius and farenheit
- do a grammar review
- learn about blood pressure so I know what it means when they tell me what it is at the dr.’s office
- read up on how many servings of each food group we are supposed to have each day and do exactly that one day
- find out how much cholesterol, fat, sodium we are supposed to have in a day and compare with what I actually ate
- make ketchup from scratch
- Build up a pantry storage of food
- learn to cut a snowflake
- take a bubble bath
- make butter
- wear dresses for a whole week
- take the money I was going to spend on something I wanted and put it in a jar for 2 weeks. Then give that money to a charity.
- mail someone an unexpected and fun package
- make smores
- learn all the birthstones
- research what stars are in the sky and find them one night
- pickle something
- play jacks
- make up a new cookie recipe (at least try)
- make a melon basket
- join NPR
- meditate for one hour
- get dual citizenship for me and my girls
- roller skate in my driveway (if I can find my skates…59b. find skates)
- try to figure out exactly what inflation is/means
- make fruit loop necklaces with my daughter Zelda
- write a haiku about bacon
- take a cool family portrait
- make a blanket fort with my kids
- go to See’s Candy and handpick a box of chocolates for myself
- learn all the countries in Europe
- enter a recipe contest
- develop the perfect burger
- write down my 20 favorite things about my husband
- make a list of my top 50 songs
- eliminate paper towel use at home (except for extremely disgusting, must throw away immediately or burn the item afterwards messes)
- Go on a picnic
- write all the lyrics to the vegetarian cowboy song
- sew a piece of clothing entirely by hand (no sewing machine)
- call a friend I never talk to
- make homemade ice cream with no ice cream maker
- put up a clothes line
- find my dream coat
- go to bed by 10pm for one week
- get up at 6am for one week
- buy some clip on hair extensions
- make reusable sandwich/snack bags
- see two movies in one day
- go on a weekend vacation to a place I have never been
- read a Pulitzer prize winning play
- learn to build a fire
- buy stock in a company that is developing the fuel made by algae
- take no waste/trash lunches to work for one week
- wear red lipstick for a week
- put $2 in a jar every time I finish one of these things and spend my $202 on something frivolous
- have a murder mystery party
- be able to do a somewhat successful Texas “T” cheerleader jump
- get a bikini wax
- make tamales from scratch
- watch someone else’s favorite movie
- watch a whole movie on the phone with my best friend
- make homeade soft pretzels
- read a biography/autobiography
- Learn some string tricks like that cat in a cradle thing
- make caramel apples
- Learn all of the supreme court justices and what they stand for
Get inspired!
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