I also made a couple of new quick bread recipes. You might have noticed I am a bit obsessed with quick bread of late. I do enjoy baking yeast bread, but the time it takes to wait for the dough to rise is often prohibitive to the actual eating of it. So I like quick bread.
This recipe for whole wheat quick bread has got the husband to saying it is his favorite so far. It has a texture that is the most like store bought, soft sandwich loaves. I think that is why he likes it. I used molasses instead of honey in the recipe, but it is super easy.
Tip: By the way, whenever I bake bread, in addition to greasing the pan, I always add a piece of parchment at the bottom of the pan. This ensures that I will be able to get the loaf out in one piece.
What follows is not a hedgehog or a porcupine. It is a loaf of bread. Miss Z says it is spiky bread.
Tastes good but is a bit crumbly to make truly successful toast without at least a little cursing.
I also made little baby hamburger buns for sloppy joes later this week. Miss Tiny gobbled them and she doesn’t eat anything, so I take that as a good sign. Mostly I made the tiny ones because I couldn’t find anything that was regular bun sized to use as a cutter. Will let you know how well they worked.
This recipe for whole wheat quick bread has got the husband to saying it is his favorite so far. It has a texture that is the most like store bought, soft sandwich loaves. I think that is why he likes it. I used molasses instead of honey in the recipe, but it is super easy.
Tip: By the way, whenever I bake bread, in addition to greasing the pan, I always add a piece of parchment at the bottom of the pan. This ensures that I will be able to get the loaf out in one piece.

Tastes good but is a bit crumbly to make truly successful toast without at least a little cursing.


And this is one of those concoctions that makes me realize recipes exist for a reason. I took this recipe for chewy granola bars and changed everything. I used puffed millet and rice crispies combined with the oatmeal and sugar instead of honey cuz I didn’t have enough and I just switched too much around. I had to add water after they had baked a little because they obviously weren’t going to stick together and then they came out pretty crumbly anyway. I like them, but the hubz described them as “too earthy” and the kids won’t touch them. So next time I will go by the recipe, but I still believe in taking chances.

Here is a picture of me and Z. I made this dress myself. I started it over a year ago and never had time to finish. On Saturday, I forced the hubz into full duty as the caregiver and whipped out the rest so I could wear it for a dinner out with friends. I think it turned out great. It is a vintage pattern. Not a reproduction of a vintage pattern but the real deal. I kind of look like I am wearing a giant apron, but I still like it.
And here is a picture of my girls sleeping. My sister makes fun of me for taking so many pictures of them asleep, but they are so cute. Don’t they look like they just love each other? They do love each other, but the awake kind of love involves a lot of hair pulling and screaming. This is peaceful, quiet sister love.

And this is one of those concoctions that makes me realize recipes exist for a reason. I took this recipe for chewy granola bars and changed everything. I used puffed millet and rice crispies combined with the oatmeal and sugar instead of honey cuz I didn’t have enough and I just switched too much around. I had to add water after they had baked a little because they obviously weren’t going to stick together and then they came out pretty crumbly anyway. I like them, but the hubz described them as “too earthy” and the kids won’t touch them. So next time I will go by the recipe, but I still believe in taking chances.

Here is a picture of me and Z. I made this dress myself. I started it over a year ago and never had time to finish. On Saturday, I forced the hubz into full duty as the caregiver and whipped out the rest so I could wear it for a dinner out with friends. I think it turned out great. It is a vintage pattern. Not a reproduction of a vintage pattern but the real deal. I kind of look like I am wearing a giant apron, but I still like it.

p.s. The continued sabbath observance (aka- day of rest) experiment was a dismal failure this week. Will try again next week.
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